This power is ours
This blood is ours
This womb is ours
The keepers of life
of death
of rebirth
This power is ours
We turn spirit into matter
We hold space for a spirit to be nurtured in a body
We birth the human race
This power is ours
We bleed with the moon
On the Earth
We are told to bleed with shame
We are sold products that invade our yoni with toxic chemicals
Doctors give us a pill to stop our bleeding
To end our natural cycles
So we can enter society without the woes fo being a women
No. The woes of being a wombyn are created by this toxic, broken patriarchy
To have a womb is beautiful
To have once had a womb is beautiful
To honor the womb is beautiful
This power is ours.
Each moon month we go through a birth, a death, and a rebirth
We visit the four seasons, the four phases of the moon
Inside our bodies
How fucking magical is that?
This power is ours!
We hold the codes of creation inside of us
The blueprint for the human race
Is in our bodies
This power is ours
We are so close to life
And to be so close to life
Is to be so close to death
This power is ours
When death must come to the life inside our body temples
We choose
This power is ours
This is a sacred power
This is a power that is greater than all other powers
This is a power they want
So they try to take it
This power is ours.
For millennia they have tried to take it for themselves
They have shamed our sexuality
Our yonis
Our blood
And then they have touched us when we don’t want to be touched
They have sold the idea of female sexuality back to us in the form of fake breasts and labia plasty
These bodies are OURS.
We can be big or small or weak or strong or beautiful or ugly or sing or dance or run or fly or swim
We are ALL
We create ALL
This power is OURS.
They do what they want.
They make fucked up laws to hold us back and control our wombs
They feed us the narrative of “be as productive as you can be or else you’re lazy, or else you’re a failure”
They do everything to try and take this power away from us
But at the end,
They cannot
Because this power is ours.
We are the ones who hold the codes of life.
Our sexual pleasure is the foundation for humanity.
They fear this power because they need this power.
They are broken.
They should be the protectors of this power, the structure, the support behind this power
They fail at this and they are miserable
So they want us to be as miserable as them
And they try to take away the things that make us the most sacred.
This Power is OURS
It lives within us
Passed down in our lineage from the dawn of humanity and even before that
Every mammal on Earth comes from a womb
To have womb is to have the power of all of creation within, destruction within
This Power is OURS.
This Power is Ours.
It will Always Be Ours.
And so it is.